Forests play a great role in creating just the right conditions for a majority of life forms to survive on planet Earth. Apart from making the air breathable by releasing oxygen, the forests absorb huge quantities of carbon. Multiple elements of the forests share complex relationships with each other that help maintain a healthy and sustainable balance in the eco-systems.
Humans have exploited forests for a long time for timber, forest produce, grazing and many more purposes. Most of our medicines are made from compounds derived from plants. A major bulk of our food has its origin in the forests. The planet is suffering because of our over-exploitation of the forests, resulting in global warming and other extreme weather phenomenon.
Forests act as sponge and soak up water when it rains, recharging water table and ensuring that we do not experience floods during the rains and draught when it is not raining. Human life would not have been possible without forests.
Today, at Jim’s Jungle Retreat, we celebrate ‘International Forests Day’ and wish that mankind treats our forests with more respect.