Tigers are usually solitary animals with the male and female pairing for a brief period of a few days in the mating season during winters. The tigress gives birth to a litter of usually 3-4 cubs after a gestation period of 93-114 days. The cubs are given birth usually in tall grass or a dense […]
Author: Jim's Jungle Retreat
Fascinating group of primates

Langurs, also known as leaf monkeys, are a fascinating group of primates found in various parts of Asia. These agile and social creatures belong to the family Cercopithecidae and are known for their distinctive appearance and behavior. Langurs come in different species, each with its own unique characteristics. They typically have a slender body, long […]
World Dhole Day

Although Corbett does not have a resident Dhole population, species with similarities are found here. One such is the Golden Jackal. It is another canid species found in India, including in diverse habitats like grasslands, forests, and urban areas. Although it is smaller than dholes, it can exhibit social behavior and hunting strategies similar to […]
Биржа HitBTC обзор, как зарегистрироваться, вводить и выводить деньги и торговать
Внимательно проверьте указанный адрес, так как после того, как средства будут отправлены, отменить транзакцию будет невозможно. Вывод средств на HitBTC производится в том же разделе, что и пополнение. На следующем экране вам необходимо будет найти нужную валюту для пополнения пролистав длинный список вниз либо воспользовавшись строкой поиска. Отдельного внимания требуют разделы «KYC» и «Account verification». […]
Celebrating World Migratory Birds Day at Corbett
As we celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, here is us celebrating as we always do, by indulging in nature, realizing its importance and need to conserve it. Hundreds of species of birds cross the Himalayas during the autumn/winter period and spread across the length and breadth of the country. During early spring, birds start moving […]
Machine Studying Rasa Nlu Understanding Training Data
Slots represent key portions of an utterance that are necessary to finishing the user’s request and thus should be captured explicitly at prediction time. The type of a slot determines both how it’s expressed in an intent configuration and how it’s interpreted by clients of the NLU mannequin. For extra information on every kind and […]
Project Tiger completes 50 years

One of the most ambitious conservation initiatives in the country, Project Tiger, completes 50 years today. Tiger could have gone extinct in the 1970s if it was not given the highest degree of protection under the umbrella of Project Tiger. Once abundant and estimated to be up to 40000 in numbers in the year 1900, […]
Tiger attacking a young elephant

It is unusual, though not unknown, for tigers to hunt elephants. There are several instances of tigers hunting newborn baby elephants and occasionally they may kill elephant babies that are a few years old. Tigers follow elephant herds and when the opportunity presents itself and they find a baby elephant a little distance away from […]
Sloth Bear family

This family of Sloth Bears, a mother and two sub-adult cubs, was recently seen in a patch of jungle close to Jim’s Jungle Retreat by our naturalist Jeewan Rautela.
In tiger country, the leopard lives in the shadow of the tiger

In tiger country, the leopard lives in the shadow of the tiger. Always around but extremely shy, nocturnal, arboreal and rarely seen. Tigers, being larger and much more powerful, dominate their smaller cousins, as the two species compete for food and territory. A tigress with cubs takes no chances with leopards, for the safety of […]
Celebrating the Earth and the ‘Mahavan Way of Life’ for two decades!

Everything in life is a continuum. Be it earth, all its inhabitants, life as we know it, in all its forms and the very consciousness itself is a continuum with each of us fitting seamlessly into it temporally and spatially. The story of Jim’s Jungle Retreat is of one such continuity, in the line of […]
How Operators And Utility Developers Can Overcome Roadblocks To Telecom Community Apis
The cloud-native supply mannequin is a crucial enabler to gaining the most effective out of provisioning and managing telecom cloud sources. The right tools for the cloud-native delivery model permit an increased speed of recent function deployment – and accelerated time-to-market for getting new services out shortly. Putting your ideas down on paper is a […]
Tips On How To Analysis New Crypto Initiatives
NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital property which have been tokenized. This is the method of linking hashed data from the asset and storing it on a blockchain. It establishes possession without question as a outcome of the token’s community validators must confirm possession via a consensus. It goes without saying, doing your personal research is necessary […]
Indian sloth bears

Indian sloth bears are a fascinating and unique species of bear found in India, including in Jim Corbett National Park. These bears are known for their shaggy black fur, long snouts, and curved claws which they use to dig into termite mounds and ant hills to feed. Sloth bears are typically solitary and shy creatures, […]
Rigorous training

Tiger cubs have to go through rigorous training while they are under their mother’s care. Female tigers care for their cubs for two to a half years. When the cubs are about a year old, they start following their mother while she attempts to hunt. They learn by imitating their mother and practising their stalking […]
International Forests Day

Forests play a great role in creating just the right conditions for a majority of life forms to survive on planet Earth.
World Sparrow Day

House Sparrow is one of the most common and familiar birds. It has spread across large parts of the world along with the spread of the human populations. The species benefits from the availability of its food in human habitations. In recent times, the House Sparrow populations have crashed across major parts of its distribution, […]
Woodpeckers are unique birds

Woodpeckers are unique birds in their feeding behaviour. They specialize in feeding on the insects like termites, wood borers and other insects that live under the tree bark.
World Wildlife Day 2023

Jim’s Jungle Retreat celebrates World Wildlife Day and wishes that the tiger, along with all the creatures that share its habitat thrive in this beautiful reserve forever.
Corbett Tiger Reserve

The beautiful and surreal landscape of Corbett Tiger Reserve offers opportunities for sighting the majestic Bengal Tiger in its native habitat. A keystone species, tigers are a litmus to the health of the jungle.