Tiger is the largest cat in the world. A male Bengal Tiger has an average length of 9 to 10 feet, including the tail and similarly, a female can be as big as 7.5 to 8.5 feet. The largest Tiger ever recorded in the foothills of the Himalayas, in the present-day state of Uttarakhand, was […]
Russell’s Viper at Tumaria Reservoir, Corbett Tiger Reserve
Russell’s Viper at Tumaria Reservoir, southern periphery of Corbett Tiger Reserve The Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii), is a highly venomous snake found across much of South Asia, south-east Asia, southern China, and Taiwan. Characterized by a flattened, triangular head that is distinctly broader than the neck and a pattern of oval-shaped markings along its body, […]
Sloth Bear pair in Dhela Tourism Zone, Corbett Tiger Reserve
The sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) is found across parts of the Indian Subcontinent including India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The species prefers grasslands, scrublands and tropical forests up to 1500 meters elevation. They have a shaggy coat and a lanky appearance, a mane around the neck and long sickle-shaped claws. Sloth Bear is omnivorous in […]
Indian Owlet-Moth (Spirama Retorta) at Jim’s Jungle Retreat
Indian Owlet-moth is a beautiful nocturnal moth belonging to ‘Eribidae’ family of moths. It has a large distribution range from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China to India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and south-east Asia in Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The species displays an interesting pattern on its wings that […]
Oleander Hawk Moth Daphnis Nerii
The Oleander Hawk Moth, also known as Army Green Moth, belongs to family Sphingidae. It is widely distributed across Asia, Africa, southern Europe and also found on some Hawaiian Islands. The species is migratory and there are recorded instances of the populations migrating from Asia to southern Europe through Turkey. The species gets its name […]
Indian Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena) – A Resident Owl of Jim’s Jungle Retreat
Indian Scops Owl is a species found across southern Asia from Arabia in the west, through the Indian Subcontinent, and till Indonesia in Southeast Asia. It is a beautiful owl, about 23-25 cm in size. The species prefers forests and woodland areas and can occur in human habitations close to the forest. This family of […]
Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelanos)
The Kalij Pheasant is a species occurring from the Pakistan Himalayas in the west to Thailand in the east. There are at least nine subspecies found across the distribution range of the species. The coloration of the males varies among the different subspecies but the western birds belonging to subspecies ‘hamiltoni’, also known as White-crested […]
Jungle Cat From Corbett
The Jungle Cat is slightly bigger than a house cat with longer legs, a shorter tail and has pointed ears. Its coat is uniform unspotted sandy-brown or grey with some barring on the legs and a few black rings in the tail. The Jungle Cat is solitary in nature, except for the mating season and […]
A big male Tiger at Dhela
A male tiger has a territory that can be as big as 60 to 100 sq km and in extreme cases, upto 150 sq. km. The territory size of the female Tiger is considerably smaller and normally spans upto 20 sq. km but in extreme cases it can be as big as 50 sq km. […]
Common Kingfisher With a Catch
Common Kingfisher is a beautiful small kingfisher found in the forested streams and rivers in Corbett Tiger Reserve. True to its name, the species masters the art of picking up fish from the water. This individual was lucky to pick a relatively big fish, though it struggled to swallow it. The fish was repeatedly hit […]
International Cat Day – 8th August 2019

Every year, International Cat Day is celebrated on 8th August. It was started by the International Fund for Animal Welfare in 2002. Cats are among the most admired creatures on the planet. They evolved over last 40 million years and today there are more than three dozen species of cats in the world. Some of […]
Conserving the Resplendent Beauty of Jim Corbett National Park

Jim Corbett National park, the launch pad for India’s tiger protection programme, Project Tiger, is home to over 225 magnificent Royal Bengal Tigers, according to the latest census. Corbett Tiger Reserve, including the Sonanadi sanctuary, is spread over an area of 1300 square kilometers, home to several hundred distinctive classes of flora and fauna. Located […]
The Jungle’s Dance in the Monsoon Season in Corbett Tiger Reserve

The scorching summer months of May & June will soon dramatically give way to a different weather. The rains, when they arrive with heavy force in the hilly terrain of Corbett, will create mayhem along with the road networks within the park and will provide a much-needed relief from human intrusion. The first few showers […]
The Upsurge of Wildlife resorts in Jim Corbett National Park

It is truly said that with abundance comes consequences. Corbett tiger reserve (CTR), known as the habitat of The Royal Bengal Tiger, has the world’s highest density of tigers. The last all-India census in 2010 estimated 18 tigers per 100 sq km here. There is a noticeable high concentration of jungle resorts in Jim Corbett […]
A Summer in the Jungles of Jim Corbett National Park

The beginning of summer season not only brings soaring temperatures but also a great distress to the wildlife of Corbett Tiger Reserve bringing along intricate ecological changes affecting the flora and fauna. Lagging monsoons and negligible rains contribute to a severe lack of water in the reserve playing havoc with human and the wildlife. The […]