In nature all good things remain good as long as these are positively contributing towards the functioning of the ecosystem. There is an abundance of termites in Corbett Tiger Reserve. Every tree attracts these wood-eating insects that do a great service to the health of the forest by breaking down the wood component and bringing the nutrients back into soil so that more forest can grow. However, unchecked populations of these insects may negatively impact the forest and to control their populations, nature has created their controlling agents, the woodpeckers.
Woodpeckers play a great role in maintaining the health of the forest by controlling the population of termites and other insects that are found under the bark of trees. These insects feed on wood and if their numbers are not kept in check, these may end up harming the trees.
There are seventeen species of woodpeckers found in Corbett Tiger Reserve, an unimaginable diversity, not known from any other jungle, probably anywhere. This Streak-throated Woodpecker was recorded by our naturalist Jeewan Rautela at Jim’s Jungle Retreat.
Streak throated woodpecker