If the tiger is the spirit of the jungle, the leopard is the ghost of the jungle. Nobody knows when it emerges and where it disappears, for the leopard in the jungles dominated by the tigers, lives in the shadow of the bigger cat. Being the smaller of the two cats, the leopard has to save itself from its larger cousin that is not very tolerable of its presence. Leopards are not only competition for food and territory for the tigers, they are also big threat to tiger cubs. Tigers are known to kill leopards and have been recorded feeding on them as well. Despite all the odds being in favour of the larger cat, the leopard has the biggest trick up its sleeve, the ability to climb trees, something that the tiger cannot manage due to its heavy weight. Leopards carry their prey up into the trees to feed peacefully as they will be readily robbed off their kills on the ground by the tigers. Pound for pound, the leopard is the most powerful cat in the world and are known to carry animals heavier than themselves into the canopy of the trees.
The ghost of the Jungle